Count & Stack Conveyor Singulates Items in Batches For Packaging & Order Fulfillment

counting stacking batch conveyor

SmartMove® Shingling Batch Conveyor

Not just another counting conveyor!!! SmartMoves’s Counting Conveyors have been hitting the spotlight and making big waves due to the labor savings this conveyor continues to give. No more miscounts due to employee errors. The count is set by the operator, the machine drops the packet, after the exact amount is reached the conveyor advances in order for the operator to scoop & stage into the pack out boxes. No need for scales when the SmartMove® Counting Conveyor is put into play. The plug in play  system is ready for your application today. Whether your hand loading or the application is dropped from the machine. Let SmartMove® Count your application today. See our Counting & Boxing Conveyors large and small.

Watch it work!

​Let SmartMove®’s Conveyor systems Count, Stack, Singulate and Shingle your products for packaging and order fulfillment today.
Call 1-800-581-2876 or click here to order your SmartMove® Conveyor system now.

​Click here to see all conveyor system types manufactured by Smartmove®