Counting machines come in many shapes and sizes as do the applications we are counting. No item is too small for our Little Conveyors. As long as your application has singulation the Little SmartMove® Counting Conveyor System will never have a problem counting and boxing your items. We can count 250 PPM keeping your production line in motion without error on the count. No need for scales with a SmartMove® automated conveyor system. SmartMove® Conveyors come with dry contacts and have the capability to interface while keeping pace with your machine, sealer, box erector and robot.
Pharmaceuticals, medical, machine & tool, food and packaging industries have always found SmartMove® Conveyor Counting Systems to be the most useful on the line. Every process and product needs a count, whether it be batch counting or individual pieces for the final pack out.
Smart Conveyors® Meet The Challenge
Give us the challenge and describe your process, then let SmartMove®’s Counting Conveyor decrease your labor force for the final product. Call 1-800-581-2876 or click here to order your SmartMove® Conveyor system now.
Click here to see all conveyor system types manufactured by Smartmove®