Machine & Tool Conveyors
SmartMoves’ Over-Under Conveyors are used for the Machine and tool industry to keep parts moving 24/7. Robot interface is easy with dry contacts. 220 vac or 110 vac, single phase is extremely efficient drawing 3 amps or less. This Heavy Duty Over-Under Conveyor with Acetal modular plastic belting continues to self lubricate the longer it runs. This custom conveyor also features thick pinned belting, machined sprockets and robust legs for heavy duty loads.
The Best Automation Conveyors In The USA
Robot & machine conveyors interfacing with automation cells are on the rise. As operators become more difficult to find and production continues to increase we must all get on the conveyance automation train. Lean manufacturing has never been so important. Understand that SmartMove® Automation Conveyors have always been on that train which is now running faster than it ever has. The Covid-19 pandemic has created panic within the manufacturing and packaging facilities except for those companies that understand investing in automation conveyors is the only way to prevail. Companies that depend on operators to count, sort and package will fall behind and eventually fail in this fast paced e-commerce supply and high demand society. The Best Conveyor-Automation interface capability is found in SmartMove® Conveyors by far.
Smart Conveyors Built To Order
Call out the length, width, height and clearance between the two conveyors along with the number of lane dividers and SmartMove® Conveyors will interface with your robot for a “Lights-Out” operation.
Call 1-800-581-2876 or click here to order your SmartMove® Conveyor system now.
Click here to see all conveyor system types manufactured by Smartmove®